Horsham Town Centre planning

The Horsham Town Centre Public Realm Strategy and Design Guide, Horsham Town Centre Vision, Horsham Town Plan and Horsham Town Design Statement all provide detailed guidance on development in Horsham Town.

Horsham Town Centre Public Realm Strategy and Design Guide

Approved in May 2021 the Public Realm Strategy's key guiding principles are to put people first and design for them, creating memorable places where people want to be; design spaces to be flexible and suitable for multiple uses which are vibrant and active while protecting Horsham's historical character and heritage.

Read the Horsham Town Public Realm Strategy and Design Guide

Horsham Town Centre Vision

Approved in November 2017, the Horsham Town Centre Vision sets out a 10-15 year vision for Horsham Town Centre. It was developed by conducting a review of population characteristics, retail, residential, office and hotel market factors and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses.

Read the Town Centre Vision

Horsham Town Plan

The Horsham Town Plan provides a planning structure for Horsham town centre based on the Council's findings, aspirations and priorities for the area to maintain and enhance the area for the future in the most effective way. It provides General Development Guidance as well as Site Specific Guidance for the following key areas: Albion Way, The Quarter, the Hurst Road and Nightingale Road area, Bishopric, The Forum, West Street and Swan Walk.

The aim of the planning structure is to act as the Council's starting point for more detailed discussions and proposals regarding development opportunities that arise in the town over future years and help steer potential developers as to the overall aims, aspirations and priorities the Council has for the future of the town.

Following the resolution of Council on 5 September 2012, the Horsham Town Plan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and Sustainability Appraisal were formally adopted on 14 September 2012.

Read the Town Plan

Horsham Town Design Statement

The Council adopted the Horsham Town Design Statement Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on the 19 December 2008. The document provides a detailed description of the existing character of the town and sets out guidelines on how to encourage new development that enhances and compliments what already exists.

Read the design statement