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A change to eligibility rules for the Government's Home Upgrade Grant helps more residents to benefit from Warmer Homes funding.
From 2 April 2024: Find out about three different grants available to support green community initiatives across the District.
Find out if your home is heat pump ready and read about a new national scheme to help guide your decision.
The theme this year is 'Choose what you use', encouraging us all to buy loose fruit and vegetables to ensure that we only buy what we need.
11-17 March 2024. Home composting is the most environmentally-friendly way of recycling kitchen food waste.
Thanks to volunteers these repair cafes help to reduce waste by offering a free service to mend our small electrical, mechanical and textile items.
A network for Parish and Neighbourhood Councils has been set up to support our work on tackling climate change.
These national awards celebrate exceptional things groups, farmers, businesses or individuals have done to support pollinators.
Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by your actions.
Find out what funding is available for projects that reduce carbon emissions and benefit the natural environment.
Ideas to help us to reduce waste and energy, and recycle more during the festive period.
Find out how to save money and reduce your impact on the environment with this special grant.