Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 document approved

Published: 12 Dec 2023

Local Plan Graphic

At a meeting of full Council on 11 December 2023 Horsham councillors approved the Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 document for 2023 to 2040 and recommended that it proceeds to the next stage of preparation. This is known as the Regulation 19 stage.

The Horsham District Local Plan sets out how the District will deliver future planning developments in a sustainable way and support the delivery of community infrastructure, transport links and opportunities for local jobs, whilst ensuring that development takes place in a way that delivers environmental protection and genuinely affordable housing.

During a formal period of Representation from 19 January to 1 March 2024 you will be able to comment on whether this Regulation 19 Local Plan meets national planning requirements and is legally compliant.

Your representations will then be submitted with the Local Plan for consideration by a government-appointed, independent Planning Inspector.

Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Planning and Development Cllr John Milne commented:

“This is an important milestone in the development of our new Local Plan, as we look to realise our bold new vision for the future of the Horsham District.

“We want to ensure the Horsham District continues to be a place where people love to live, work and do business. Our Local Plan will play a key role in securing the investment needed to deliver new low carbon housing design and infrastructure and to support sustainable development that delivers environmental protection including 12% biodiversity net gain.”

“The new Local Plan has been developed through extensive consultation with residents, businesses, community groups, local organisations and other key stakeholders. The Regulation 19 submission stage marks the final stage of review before the Local Plan is forwarded to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate.”

Find out more on our website, including how to register to add your representation on whether the Local Plan meets national planning requirements at: www.horsham.gov.uk/planning/local-plan.

The Government requires all local planning authorities to keep an up-to-date Local Plan as a legal obligation, and sets a target to build a certain number of new homes each year.

The Horsham District Local Plan sets out how the District will deliver the required number of homes in a sustainable way. It must now do so in a way that supports water neutrality and the provision of community infrastructure, transport links and opportunities for local employment.

Editor notes

All Local Planning authorities are required to produce a Local Plan to ensure the economic, housing, social and environmental needs for the District are met. Local Plans must be reviewed at least once every five years to ensure that Local Plans are kept up-to-date. The Council is therefore in the process of undertaking a review of the current Local Plan (known as the Horsham District Planning Framework).

The new Local Plan must meet a number of challenges, including delivering new development that provides homes and jobs for local communities and whilst protecting and enhancing the local environment which has been identified as being under threat.

This Council commenced the Local Plan review process in 2018, with an Issues and Options consultation held between 6 April 2018 and 25 May 2018.  This consultation focussed on the future economic strategy, together with sustainable rural development and tourism issues. In addition, a call for development sites was held during 2018 with an updated Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) published in 2019.    This consultation was followed by a further Issues and Options consultation, known as the Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation, which was held between 17 February 2020 and 30 March 2020.

A Draft Regulation 19 Local Plan was considered at a Cabinet Meeting of 15 July 2021.  The consideration of this plan at the Council meeting in July was postponed due to the publication of the NPPF which required the Council to consider the strategy in light of requirements for a 30-year vision.  The preparation of the Regulation 19 documentation was further delayed by the receipt of a Position Statement from Natural England which requires that new development does not generate additional adverse impact on the protected habitats of the Arun Valley.

The preparation of the Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 document has taken account of the outcome of the Issues and Options consultations and other  more informal forms of consultation such as Parish workshops. In addition, a number of updates have been made to the Council’s evidence base since 2020. This work has informed the content of the draft Regulation 19 Local Plan, which includes sites proposed for allocation for housing development.