Cowfold neighbourhood planning

Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan

Cowfold Parish have produced a neighbourhood plan which have been subject to successful Examination but cannot proceed to Referendum because of the legal requirements in relation to Water Neutrality and the Habitat Regulations.

In order to support the hard work of local communities, Horsham District Council has prepared a Planning Advice Note. These Advice Notes highlight how the policies in the Neighbourhood Plans are considered to align with National Planning Policy. This Planning Advice Note draws together current adopted Local Plan policies, and up-to-date national policy guidance including relevant ministerial statements and the outcome of the Neighbourhood Planning Examiner’s report. It therefore forms a material consideration that will be taken into account by decision makers when determining planning applications.

When the strategic solution to Water Neutrality is implemented, the Council will proceed to take the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan to Referendum and upon a successful result the Council will ‘make’ the plan at full Council at the earliest opportunity.

Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum version

Planning Advice Note: Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan and Water Neutrality

Examination documents

Cowfold Decision Statement (23 September 2021)

Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's Report 19 April 2021

Cowfold Parish Council Response to the Examiner's Clarification Note (17 March 2021)

Examiner's Clarification Note (2 March 2021)


Representations to the Regulation 16 consultation can be found below:

Representation submitted during the period 23 March 2020 to 25 May 2020

Ref 1 D & M Planning Ltd (redacted)

Ref 2 Surrey County Council (redacted)

Ref 3 Devine Homes (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 3 Devine Homes (Part II) (redacted)

Ref 4 SCC Waste and Minerals Team (redacted)

Ref 5 Highways England (redacted)

Ref 6 Southern Water (redacted)

Ref 7 NHS Property Services (redacted)

Ref 8 Gladman (redacted)

Ref 9 WSCC (redacted)

Ref 10 HDC (redacted)

Ref 11 ECE Planning (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 11 ECE Planning (Part II) (redacted)

Ref 12 Historic England (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 12 Historic England (Part II) (redacted)

Ref 13 Natural England (redacted)

Ref 14 National Grid (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 14 National Grid (Part II) (redacted)

Representation submitted during the period 17 December 2021 to 11 February 2021

Ref 15 Devine Homes (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 15 Devine Homes (Part II) (redacted)

Ref 15 Devine Homes (Part III) (redacted)

Ref 15 Devine Homes (Part IV) (redacted)

Ref 16 ECE Planning (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 16 ECE Planning (Part II) (redacted)

Ref 17 Southern Water (redacted)

Ref 18 Natural England (redacted)

Ref 19 Surrey County Council (redacted)

Ref 20 Environment Agency (redacted)

Ref 21 WSCC (redacted)

Ref 22 Highways England (redacted)

Ref 23 HDC (redacted)

Ref 24 Historic England (redacted)

Further Consultation on the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan

Cowfold Parish Council has been preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. We have updated the evidence base regarding heritage issues to support the submission draft Cowfold Neighbourhood plan. It was considered appropriate to go out to consultation on new evidence to ensure stakeholders had an opportunity to comment on it. This consultation is being undertaken in line with the Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). If you have made previous comments to the previous Regulation 16 consultation (23 March 2020 to 25 May 2020) your comments will still be considered and passed onto the examiner in full. This consultation ran for 8 weeks from 5pm 17 December to midnight 11 February 2021. This consultation is  now closed

Regulation 16 Consultation

Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan is currently out to consultation in line with the Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The consultation is for 9 weeks from 5pm Monday 23 March to midnight 25 May 2020.

Cowfold Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 16 Consultation

Regulation 14 Consultation

Cowfold Parish Neighbourhood Plan was put out for consultation under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) between 19 August and 14 October 2019. The Plan has been put out for consultation under Regulation 14 again due to an administrative error. This will be held between Tuesday 12 November and 5pm on Tuesday 24 December 2019. The Regulation 14 consultation has now concluded.

Area designation and approval

Under Regulation 7, the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan Area was approved on May 16 2018.

Approval documents


Under Regulation 5 and 6, the Cowfold area application was put out for consultation from March 5- April 29 2016.