Business Training Programme

Retail Training Programme with Pop up Horsham

Horsham District Council's Business Training Programme is an exciting series of business training workshops, projected over three years (2023 to 2025). The Horsham District-focussed programme seeks to help entrepreneurs and business leaders build-in resilience to their business models, keep them well informed and enable opportunities for upskilling.

Using a blend of online and in-person formats, the programme provides skills development and enhanced opportunities to share and learn from the latest best practice.

Course content is delivered by locally based independent business experts in their fields.


Here is a list of training currently available to access or book. To find out more, click on the course name.

Should you be interested in a place on a course that is fully booked or have any additional business training suggestions, please email with the details and we will contact you if an opportunity should arise.

Business management training

Market trading training

To make sure you're the first to know the latest updates on the Business Training Programme, sign up to our fortnightly business e-newsletter.

For a list of workshops that have already taken place for 2023/24 click here.

Current training opportunities

Business management

Sales and negotiation skills

How good is your business at making sales?

Take a new five-minute online quiz to test how effective your business is at sales and negotiation.

This aims to inform businesses and the Council alike of the need to improve skills in this area and identify future training requirements.

Take the quiz now

'How to create a strategy for business growth' video series

  • Join Mike Clare from Intrinsia for this online video series, where you will be taken through the process of developing and refining strategies, to enable you to identify and achieve the growth you want and adapt to changes in the business environment when they arise. Mike will also take you through how to best prepare for successful implementation of your plans.
  • Once you have watched the four-part video series, you can apply for 1-2-1 support to help build your strategy.
  • Location: Online pre-recorded video series. Sign up for free to the West Sussex Business Hub to access.

Watch the video series

Market trading

How to make the most of your market stall: top tips video series

Join Brendan from the National Market Traders Federation (NMTF) to learn useful tips, as a market trader, on how you can make the most of your market stall.  The five-part video series covers what to bring, social media for market traders, maximising your stall layout, pricing and signage and taking cashless payments.

Watch the video series

Image of a market stall in the Carfax in Horsham

Past workshops

The following workshops have already taken place as part of the 2023/24 Business Training Programme:

  • Don’t Panic! Changes to Social Media - Michelle Betts from ByJove Media hosted a free ‘Don’t panic! Changes to social media’ workshop for local businesses, exploring recent changes to social media platforms and how businesses can work with these to maximise reach and engagement.
  • Advanced social media for business - Michelle Betts from ByJove Media ran a masterclass exploring each social media platform in detail so businesses could identify which ones they should be using for their business.
  • TikTok for business - Michelle Betts from ByJove Media ran a masterclass exploring social media platform TikTok and how businesses can use it.
  • Recruiting via social media - Michelle Betts from ByJove Media and Amy Blick from ExhilHRate HR Consulting ran a masterclass exploring the benefits of recruiting via social media and which platforms would work best for businesses' recruitment strategies.
  • WordPress Training - britweb ran an online workshop on how to master WordPress.
  • Making your brand picture perfect - Sophie Ward Photography ran a workshop to help businesses build brand confidence through their images and shared practical photography tips for use in business imagery.
  • Introduction to videography - Geoff and Mike from Silvertip Films ran a workshop on how to make video work for businesses with tips, tricks, practical work and more.
  • Debunking the complications of Apprenticeship Talent - Amy Blick from ExhilHRate HR Consulting hosted a masterclass on how to successfully unlock apprenticeship talent.
  • People power strategy - Amy Blick from ExhilHRate HR Consulting ran an interactive and focussed session on attracting, onboarding and keeping talent for businesses.
  • Budget setting and cash flow forecasting for small businesses - Carolyn Burchell from Composure Accounting ran two practical and relevant sessions aimed at limited companies and sole traders to help them gain the knowledge and confidence needed to create their own budgets and forecasts.
  • Ready, Set, Grow! 7 intensive SME support workshops - the team from Digital Islands ran 7 expert-led workshops, helping businesses in their first two years of trading including 1-2-1 progress review sessions. They developed an action plan including tax and accounting, HR and recruitment, PR marketing and social media for businesses.
  • Emergency First Aid at Work - Jenny Legg of Training Legs First Aid ran a series of 1-day FAA Level 3 Award courses to provide training for businesses on a variety of emergency first aid situations in the workplace.
  • How to make the most of your market stall - Brendan and Tania from the National Market Traders Federation (NMTF) ran an interactive workshop on how to make the most of your market stall.

Did you miss one of these workshops and wish you could have attended? Let us know by emailing to inform future training opportunities.

Join the West Sussex Business Hub

Sign up for free to the West Sussex Business Hub to access further videos and other resources related to the Business Training Programme, alongside an expanding range of local business support, information, advice and opportunities to connect with other local business owners.

The hub is part funded by Horsham District Council in collaboration with Councils across West Sussex and developed by Digital Islands.

Access the hub

Logo for the West Sussex Business Hub
Funded by UK Government

The Horsham District Business Training Programme is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.