Policy and Planning

Policies and plans help to set a shared vision and clear communal targets for HDC, its partners, local communities, and businesses. They provide clear guidance and incentives to transition to low carbon processes, as well as galvanise wider support for sustainable interventions. Planning also plays a critical role in helping to create sustainable communities.

Overarching Goals

  • Leverage Planning Powers: To use planning powers to set clear low carbon and sustainability targets in order to enable the creation of a sustainable, net zero district (NOTE: The Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 was approved by Council on 11 December 2023. It strengthens these requirements. Further iterations of the Local Plan will consider how further strengthening, depending on the planning system in place at the time).
  • Enabling Policy Environment: To develop sustainable and low carbon policies, plans and strategies that create communal visions, inform decision-making processes and guide investment priorities.


Short Term (2024-26)

  • Strengthen sustainability and low carbon requirements for new buildings and new developments in Horsham District.
  • Strengthen requirements for large-scale and small-scale low carbon energy generation and storage.
  • Develop a Green Business Strategy.
  • Update and strengthen the Council’s Green Infrastructure Strategy and Greenspaces Strategy.
  • Develop a Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

Medium Term (2026-29)

  • Develop an Energy Resilience Strategy.