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Our Green LEAP fund opens on 2 September 2024 and supports business innovations such as renewable energy solutions, LED lighting and workplace biodiversity.
Find out how your hairdressing business can become more sustainable in a webinar with Green Salon Collective on Monday 23 September.
5-17 year olds are invited to take part in an art competition to show what nature means to them.
Read our top tips to help you reduce your water use and save on bills too!
Volunteers are being sought nationwide to become a Climate Ambassador and put their sustainability expertise to work.
Take the Plastic Free July 2024 challenge by refusing to use single-use plastics for just one month. Your contribution, joined globally by millions of others, will make a huge difference.
Recently St Mary’s Church in Horsham was awarded over £1000 from our Community Climate Fund for a project to install intelligent thermostats.
Our Nature Recovery Award, from the Wilder Horsham District project, is helping to fund wet habitat restoration at Mayes Park near Warnham.
Please complete a short survey to share your views on what you recycle and what information would help you to recycle more. The survey closes 30 June 2024.
Thanks to funding we have received from the Rural England Prosperity Fund, we have been able to offer support to businesses developing new, sustainable projects.
Over 2,500 trees have now been planted at Warnham Local Nature Reserve following the necessary felling of diseased Ash trees last winter.
Regional strategies are a new national approach to reducing biodiversity loss, and everyone in Sussex can take part. Surveys close 30 June 2024.