Supporting World Water Day - 22 March 2023

Published: 16 Mar 2023

World Water Day 2023

There is an ancient story of a hummingbird and it is about how we react to a crisis. Right now, we face a worldwide water crisis.

Closer to home, following the driest summer in nearly 30 years, experts are warning that another hot dry spell could see drought conditions return in 2023, despite winter rainfall replenishing most water levels.

Read on for some advice on water saving measures and how you can get involved in World Water Day.

What is World Water Day?

World Water Day is an annual United Nations day held on 22 March that highlights the importance of fresh water, aiming to ensure that everyone can access safe water and sanitation by 2030.

Right now we are seriously off track. World Water Day 2023 is about accelerating change - and because water affects us all, we need everyone to take action.

You and your family, school and community can make a difference by changing the way you use, consume and manage water in your lives.  Each of our small actions done collectively can influence market forces and ultimately change world production values. Let's do it!

For example you may like to:

Save water

Take shorter showers and don’t let the tap run when brushing my teeth, doing dishes and preparing food.

Flush safe

Fix leaking water and waste pipes

Look for products made using less water

  • Buy local, seasonal food that needs less water for production.
  • Cut back on your use of cottons, thinking about the clothes you buy and perhaps using washable and reusable make up pads instead. Growing cotton uses an extraordinarily large amount of water and  toxic pesticides.

Dish washing

  • Make sure your dishwater is full rather than more regular half washes.
  • If washing by hand use the washing up bowl rather than washing under a running tap.

Fit low flow aerators

On your taps and showers

Keep the sprinklers off

Invest in a water butt or try using your cooking water – your plants will benefit from the extra nutrients!

Fill up the kettle only as much as you need

(And safe energy too by keeping remaining hot water in a thermos for next time instead of re-boiling the kettle)

Be the change you want

The UN is asking us to make a commitment to use water wisely. Your commitments will be added to the Water Action Agenda, to be launched at the UN 2023 Water Conference (22-24 March) – the first event of its kind for nearly 50 years.

Find out about simple changes you can make