Housing strategies and policies

The demand for social and affordable rented housing in Horsham District exceeds supply and it is very important that we have a fair and transparent allocations policy. Our policy reflects local needs and demands for housing and contributes to building balanced, mixed, living and working communities.

The Strategies and Policies, which you can view below, are working documents, and having been adopted, will be continually monitored.

We invite you to comment on the Strategies and Policies at any time. To comment, please email housing@horsham.gov.uk

The Housing Act 1996 (as amended) Section 167 (1) requires every local housing authority to have a scheme for determining priorities and as to the procedure to be followed in allocating housing accommodation.

Section 167 (8) of the Housing Act requires that a local housing authority shall not allocate housing accommodation except in accordance with their allocation scheme.

In devising its Allocations Policy, Horsham District Council has had regard to Allocation of Accommodation: Guidance For Local Housing Authorities in England (June 2012) and Fair and Flexible: Statutory Guidance on Social Housing Allocations For Local Authorities in England (December 2009).

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