Local Plan glossary



Ad-Hoc Development: This is unplanned development, a reactive rather proactive planning approach to development.

Adoption: The final confirmation of a Development Plan or Local Development. Document as having statutory status by a Local Planning Authority (LPA).

Affordable Housing: Housing provided with a subsidy to enable the sale price or rent to be lower than the prevailing market prices or rents in the locality, and where mechanisms exist to ensure that the housing remains affordable for those who cannot afford to access the market housing. The subsidy will be provided from the public and/or private sector. The definition of ‘affordable housing’ includes key worker housing and shared ownership homes.

Air Quality Management Strategy (AQMS): A designation made by a local authority where an assessment of air quality results in the need to devise an action plan to improve the quality of air.

Amenity: A positive element or elements that contribute to the overall character or enjoyment of an area. For example, open land, trees, historic buildings and the inter-relationship between them, or less tangible factors such as tranquillity.

Ancillary use: A subsidiary or secondary use or operation closely associated with the main use of a building or piece of land.

Authority Monitoring Report (AMR): Produced by the Council annually to review the progress made against targets and the performance of policies. The monitoring period is 1st April to 31st March.

Appropriate Assessment (AA): See Habitat Regulations Assessment

Appeal: The process whereby a planning applicant can challenge an adverse decision, including a refusal of permission. Appeals can also be made against the failure of the planning authority to issue a decision, against conditions attached to permission, and against the issue of an enforcement notice.

Aquifer: Underground rock layers that hold water, which are often an important source of water for public water supply, agriculture and industry.

Arboriculture: Arboriculture is the management of trees where amenity is the prime objective.

Archaeological Assessment: A study of the extent and quality of any archaeological remains that may exist within a site. The study and resulting report(s) must be performed by a suitably qualified professional and will be examined by the West Sussex County Archaeologist, from whom advice on the form and nature of the assessment may be sought.

Area Action Plan: See Joint Area Action Plan

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB): A statutory landscape designation, which recognises that a particular landscape is of national importance. The primary purpose of the designation is to conserve and enhance natural beauty of the landscape.

Around: A guide figure that is plus or minus ten percent of the figure quoted.


Biodiversity: The whole variety of life on earth. It includes all species of plants and animals, their genetic variation and the ecosystems of which they are a part.

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP): A strategy prepared for a local area aimed at conserving biological diversity

BREEAM: Standards laid down for the design and building of businesses and homes to be more sustainable, including wildlife friendly design, use of recycled materials and energy, heating and water conservation methods.

Brownfield/ Previously Developed Land (PDL): In the sequential approach this is preferable to Greenfield land. It is land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure (excluding agricultural or forestry buildings), and associated fixed surface infrastructure. The definition covers the curtilage of the development. Previously- developed land may occur in both built-up and rural settings.

Built-up Area Boundaries (BUAB): These identify the areas in the District of primarily built form, rather than countryside. They identify areas within which development of brownfield land may normally be appropriate, including infilling, redevelopment and conversions in accordance with Government Policy and Guidance (NPPF and NPPG). They do not include a presumption for the development of greenfield land such as playing fields and other open space. Identified built-up area boundaries do not necessarily include all existing developed areas.


Capacity (in retailing terms): Money available within the catchment area with which to support existing and additional retail floorspace.

Carbon neutral: Offsetting or compensating for carbon emissions (for example from burning fossil fuels) by schemes such as planting trees to absorb carbon or through careful use of design to promote energy efficiency and to avoid carbon emissions.

Change of Use: A change in the way that land or buildings are used (see Use Classes Order). Planning permission is usually necessary to change a "use class".

Character: A term relating to Conservation Areas or Listed Buildings, but also to the appearance of any rural or urban location in terms of its landscape or the layout of streets and open spaces, often giving places their own distinct identity.

Climate Change: Long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, wind and all other aspects of the Earth's climate.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP):The combined production of heat, usually in the form of steam, and power, usually in the form of electricity. Often regarded as a result of human activity and fossil fuel consumption.

Community Facilities: Facilities available for use by the community. Examples include village halls, doctors’ surgeries, pubs, churches and children play areas; may also include areas of informal open space and sports facilities.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): The Community Infrastructure Levy is a new levy that local authorities in England and Wales can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want – for example, new or safer road schemes, park improvements or a new health centre. There are several stages in the introduction of this levy, including consultation on the levy of charge proposed on new development. The charging schedule goes through independent examination before being adopted by the Council and applied to new development.

Community Right to Build Orders (CRBOs): A special type of Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO). Unlike NDOs and NDPs, any local community organisation, not just a Neighbourhood Forum, will be able to create CRBOs. To be eligible to develop a CRBO at least one half of a community organisation's members must live in the neighbourhood area. The organisation must also exist to further the economic, environmental and social well-being of the area in question, and may also be required to make provision that any profits made as a result of community right to build orders be distributed among the organisation's members.

Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO): An order issued by the Government or a local authority to acquire land or buildings for public interest purposes.

Conditions (or 'planning condition'): Requirements attached to a planning permission to limit or direct the manner in which a development is carried out.

Conservation Area: Areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character, appearance or setting of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.

Contextual indicators: Indicators that measure change in the wider social, economic, and environmental background against which policies operate. As such they help to relate policy outputs to the local area.

Conversions: Generally means the change of use of a building from a particular use, classified in the use classes order, to another use. Can also mean the sub- division of residential properties into self-contained flats or maisonettes.

Core indicators: Indicators measuring the direct effect of a policy. Used to assess whether policy targets have been achieved using the available information.

The Core Strategy: The Core Strategy, adopted by Horsham District Council in 2007, set out the key elements of the planning framework for the area. It  comprised  a spatial vision and strategic objectives; a spatial strategy, core policies and a monitoring and implementation framework with clear objectives for achieving delivery. Once adopted, all other Development Plan Documents must conform to it. The Core Strategy has been replaced by the Horsham District Planning Framework for land outside the South Downs National Park.

Curtilage: The area occupied by a property and land closely associated with that building e.g. in terms of a house and garden, the garden normally forms the curtilage of the property.

Custom build: People building their own dwelling to meet their individual needs.


Defensible Boundary: Examples of a defensible boundary might be a stream, road, or hedgerow.

Defined Retail Frontage: (See Retail Frontage)

Derelict: A building so damaged by neglect that it is incapable of beneficial use without rebuilding.

Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG): Sets policy on local government, housing urban regeneration, planning and fire and rescue.

Development Plan: The statutory development plan is the starting point for the consideration of planning applications for development or use of land.

Development Plan Documents (DPD): The local planning documents which made up the Local Development Framework and now Local Plan.

Duty to Cooperate: Local authorities have a duty to cooperate with other bodies to ensure that strategic priorities across local boundaries are properly co-ordinated and reflected in their Local Plan. The Local Plan will be examined by an independent inspector whose role is to assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the duty to cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and whether it is sound.


Ecological (or Ecology): The interactions and relationships between plants, animals and their environment.

Enabling Development: A development that would normally be rejected as contrary to established policy, but which may be permitted because the public benefits would demonstrably outweigh the harm to other material interests.

Examination: See Independent Examination

Exception site: A housing site which is permitted as an exception to the policies in the Development Plan. Usually a site that is able to offer a considerable benefit such as affordable housing.

Evidence Base: Collection of baseline specific data for the District which is used to inform the development of all Local Plan policies and Supplementary Planning Documents.

Exception site: A housing site which is permitted as an exception to the policies in the Development Plan. Usually a site that is able to offer a considerable benefit such as affordable housing.


Farm diversification: The introduction of non–agricultural enterprises (such as bed and breakfast) to support an existing farm business.


Gatwick Diamond: An economic area centred on Gatwick Airport which is situated between London and Brighton. It is an important economic area as its wealth generation in terms of GDP makes it one of the first choices in the UK to set up, operate and grow businesses.

General Development Control Policies: These are policies which set out criteria against which planning applications for development and use of land and buildings will be considered. Such policies will ensure that development accords with the spatial vision and objectives set out in the Development Plan.

Green corridor: An area of natural or semi-natural habitat providing easy access for species of plants and animals to move from place to place. They often link areas of high wildlife value such as woodland.

Green Infrastructure: A network of multi-functional green space, urban and rural, which is capable of delivering a wide range of environmental and quality of life benefits for local communities.

Greenfield: Land which has not been developed before. This applies to most sites outside built-up area boundaries.

Green Travel Plan: A framework developed by businesses and organisations for changing travel habits in order to provide an environment which encourages more sustainable travel patterns and less dependence on single occupancy private car use. For example, an employer may use the plan to introduce car sharing schemes or secure cycle parking facilities. Travel Plans must have measurable outcomes and should be related to targets in the West Sussex Local Transport Plan.

Greenhouse gases: Gases including water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Some human activities are increasing the amount of these gases, in the earth’s atmosphere, and is resulting climate change.

Greywater recycling: Water conservation techniques involving the collection, storage, treatment and redistribution of water from sources such as bathing, laundry washing, and household cleaning.

Gross internal floorspace: The entire area inside the external walls of a building and includes corridors, lifts, plant rooms, service accommodation e.g. toilets, but excludes internal walls. The difference between gross internal floorspace and gross external area is typically between 2.5 and 5%.


Habitat: The natural home or environment of a plant or animal.

Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) (formerly known as Appropriate Assessment): The statutory process and documentation required by the Birds and Habitats Directives of the European Union to assess the effects of a plan on a nature conservation site of European importance. The aim is to enable a judgement to be made as to whether there will be an adverse impact on the site’s integrity.

High Growth Scenario: Refers to a potential future development scenario for the Horsham District as identified in the 2008 ‘Visioning Horsham’ document, produced by Experian. The scenario was based on Horsham sharing the benefits of the South East of England region achieving its Regional Economic Strategy targets.

High Weald Joint Advisory Committee: This organisation set up to manage the High Weald AONB.

Historic Landscape Assessment: A study made of the impact of any proposal within or adjacent to an historic park or garden on the character and quality of the site. The report should include appropriate conservation and enhancement measures.

Home zone: A street or group of streets designed primarily to meet the interests of pedestrians and cyclists rather than motorists, opening up the street for social use.

Horsham District Community Partnership: The Horsham District has a number of highly organised and committed Community Partnerships spread throughout the District’s market towns. The Localism Act 2011 encourages participation and involvement by local people and communities rather than top-down decision-making, encouraging public participation in local affairs.

Horsham District Local Plan (HDLP): The HDLP is the overarching planning document for Horsham District. It replaces the Horsham District Planning Framework adopted in 2015. The Local Plan will set out the planning strategy for the years up to 2036 to deliver the social, economic and environmental needs of the whole District as well as looking beyond the district’s boundaries.

Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF): The HDPF is the overarching planning document for Horsham District. It replaces the Core Strategy and General Development Control Policies documents which were adopted in 2007. The HDPF sets out the planning strategy for the years up to 2031 to deliver the social, economic and environmental needs of the whole district, as well as looking beyond the district’s boundaries.

Horsham Town Neighbourhood Appraisal (HTNA): The HTNA is a form of ‘Parish’ Plan, including action plans and character assessments for the unparished part of Horsham Town, undertaken by the three Neighbourhood Councils (Denne, Forest and Trafalgar).

Housing trajectory: A graphical tool used to show the past and future housing delivery performance by identifying the predicted provision of housing over the lifespan of the LDF.


Independent Examination: Public discussion of selected issues raised by respondents at the Proposed Submission/Publication stage of representations on the Local Plan document(s). The examination takes place before an independent inspector appointed by the Secretary of State reporting to the Council. For Development Plan Documents an examination is held even if there are no representations.

Infilling: The use of vacant land and property within a built-up area for further development.

Infrastructure: A collective term for services such as roads, electricity, sewerage, water, education and health facilities.

Issues and Options Stage: This is often the first stage in the production of Development Plan Documents in which the Council brings possible issues and options for the district into the public domain, in order to generate responses to aid the development of the ‘Preferred Strategy’ document. These stages are part of ‘early consultation’ that leads to a ‘Proposed Submission’ development document for the statutory public representation period.


Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP): Area Action Plans are used to provide the planning framework for areas where significant change or conservation is needed. A key feature of Area Action Plans will be the focus on implementation. They will deliver the planned ‘growth’ areas and resolve conflicting objectives in the areas subject to the major development pressures. Where more than one local authority is involved in the creation of an Area Action Plan due to a ‘cross-boundary’ strategic development, it can become a jointly created plan. The West of Bewbush JAAP was adopted by  Horsham District Council and Crawley Borough Council on the 31 July 2009.


Key Employment Areas: Commercial land / premises to be retained for employment use.


Land take: The total area of land needed for any given building or development.

Landscape Character Assessment: An assessment to identify different landscape areas which have a distinct character based on a recognisable pattern of elements, including combinations of geology, landform, soils, vegetation, land use and human settlement.

Localism Act: Act of Parliament devolving greater power to local councils and giving local communities greater overall control over housing decisions. The Act was given Royal Assent on the 15th November 2011.

Local Development Document (LDD): The suite of documents prepared by Local Authorities which made up the Local Development Framework, now Local Plan. These documents include the Statement of Community Involvement, Development Plan Documents (the Local Plan or Core Strategy, Site Allocations, Area Action Plans, Proposals Map, General Development Control Policies) and Supplementary Planning Documents.

Local Development Framework (LDF): The Local Development Framework is not a statutory term. However, it set out the Local Development Documents in the form of a 'portfolio/ folder’ which collectively delivered the spatial planning strategy for the local planning authority’s area. The LDF comprised Local Development Documents, and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD’s). The LDF also included the Statement of Community Involvement, the Local Development Scheme and the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). The phrase LDF has now been removed through Government changes, now being referred to as Local Plan, in Horsham District to be referred to as the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF).

Local Development Scheme (LDS): This is a public statement of the Council’s programme for the production of Local Development Documents. The scheme will be revised when necessary. This may either be as a result of the Annual Monitoring Report which should identify whether the Council has achieved the timetable set out in the original scheme or if there is a need to revise and/or prepare new Local Development Documents.

Local Plan: Local Plans set out a vision and a framework for the future development of the area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure – as well as a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design for the area they cover. They are a critical tool in guiding decisions about individual development proposals, as Local Plans (together with any Neighbourhood Development Plans that have been made) are the starting-point for considering whether applications can be approved. It is important for all areas to put an up to date Local Plan in place to positively guide development decisions.

Local Strategic Partnership (LSP): A group of public, private, voluntary and community organisations and individuals that is responsible for preparing the Sustainable Community Strategy. Called the Horsham District Community Partnership in Horsham District.

Low Growth Scenario: Refers to a potential future development scenario for the Horsham District as identified in the 2008 ‘Visioning Horsham’ document, produced by Experian. The scenario was based on the Horsham District not sharing the benefits of the South of England region achieving its Regional Economic Strategy targets.

Local Transport Plan (LTP): Strategies for transport provision prepared by County councils and unitary authorities for their areas (See West Sussex Local Transport Plan).


Market Housing: Housing either bought or rented on the open market without the involvement of any registered social landlord.

Market Signals: Evidence used to highlight the affordability pressures of an area, particularly for younger people looking to form new households. Where there is evidence of worsening affordability in an area, adjustments can be made to the overall housing target to improve the ability of younger people to form new households.

Masterplan: A type of planning brief outlining the preferred use of land and the overall approach to the layout in order to provide detailed guidance for subsequent planning applications.

Material consideration: A matter that should be taken into account in deciding a planning application or on an appeal against a planning decision.

Milestones: Important stages in the production of Local Plan documents. These are indicated in the Local Development Scheme.

Mineral Safeguarding Area: An area designated by West Sussex County Council, the Minerals Planning Authority which covers known deposits of minerals which are desired to be kept safeguarded from unnecessary sterilisation by non-mineral development.

Mitigation: A measure which is carried out to reduce the impact of a certain activities/development on the environment.

Multi-court: A hard-surfaced enclosed ball games court which can be used for a variety of sports.


National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): Part of the Governments reforms to make the planning system less complex, more accessible and to promote sustainable growth.

Neighbourhood Development Orders (NDOs): Grant planning permission for specific types of development in a particular area. This could be either a particular development, or a particular class of development. A number of types of development, such as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects will be excluded from NDOs.

Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDP): Written by Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums to guide local land use planning issues. They set out policies and plans for an area, such as the identification of new sites which are acceptable for new local shops. They should not cover broader local concerns or strategic issues such as major development or major public transport infrastructure.

Neighbourhood Plan: See Neighbourhood Development Plan .


Parish Plan: A document which sets out a vision of how local communities would like their town or village to be.

Park and Ride: Facilities which seek to reduce urban congestion by encouraging motorists to leave their vehicles at a car park on the edge of towns and travel into the centre by public transport, usually buses direct from the parking area.

Park Home: A mobile home which cannot normally be towed by a motor vehicle and which is carried, often in sections on a lorry before being assembled on a permanent or semi-permanent basis in its location.

Parkway Station: Similar to that of a bus based ‘Park and Ride’ facility. It is a railway station which has parking facilities allowing users to continue on with the rest of their journey by train.

‘Part 4 Site’: A site included within the annual Gypsy and Travellers count where Gypsies/Travellers are present without authorisation on land owned by a third party.

Passive solar energy: Energy provided by a simple architectural design to capture and store the sun's heat. Examples include a garden greenhouse, or a south-facing window in a dwelling.

Pitch: A plot providing for one Gypsy/Traveller family. A single pitch may be occupied by more than one caravan/mobile home to accommodate an extended family.

Plan, Monitor and Manage: A means of measuring and reviewing policy, involving the adjustment of policy through monitoring if it proves necessary.

Planning Condition: Limitation or requirement attached to a planning permission by the planning authority when it is granted. Conditions can cover a wide range of aspects about the development permitted and the processes that must be followed to carry out the development. In general however, they are intended to make the development more acceptable.

Planning Obligation: A legally binding agreement between the local planning authority and persons with an interest in a piece of land. Planning obligations are used to secure funds or works for significant and essential elements of a scheme to make it acceptable in planning terms. Planning obligations will have been set out in an agreement often known as a ‘Section 106 Agreement’ and may be used to prescribe the nature of development, to compensate for loss or damaged created by development or to mitigate a development’s impact on surrounding built and natural environment. Circular 5/2005 and Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations set out the national policy that regulates these agreements.

Preferred Strategy: This stage of preparing Development Plan Documents is part of ‘early involvement’ and takes into account the communities comments, having regard to them in the preparation of the next stage which is the ‘Proposed Submission’ Development Plan Document. The intention is to provide sufficient information to ensure that people can understand the implications of the Preferred Strategy. The aim of the public participation on the Preferred Strategy stage is to give people the opportunity to comment on how the local planning authority is approaching the preparation of the particular Development Plan Document and to ensure that the Council is aware of all possible options before it prepares the final ‘Proposed Submission’ Development Plan Document.

Primary Retail Frontage: See Retail Frontage.

Previously Developed Land: See Brownfield land.

Protected Species: Plant and animal species afforded protection under certain Government Acts and Regulations.


Retail Frontage: A street frontage containing retail shops and services. Primary Retail Frontage is found in the town/village centre and includes a high proportion of retail uses. Secondary Retail Frontage contains a greater diversity of uses and may be found outside of the town centre.

Retirement Housing: Housing often as a group of purpose built flats or bungalows, usually for private sale or rent, designed to meet the needs of elderly people by having independent self contained homes with their own front doors, usually with some common facilities that all residents can use, e.g. common room, laundry and sometimes a level of direct support but no on site personal care or medical support.

Retail Hierarchy: An ordering of the town and village centres of an area into a hierarchy so as to distinguish between major, minor and local or neighbourhood retail centres.

Riverine / Aquatic Environment: The natural environment found within or beside a river or waterbody.

Rural hub: A central point of activity within the rural area which complements the functions of larger surrounding settlements.
Rural workers: Those who are employed in rural businesses who need to be in immediate vicinity of their place of work to enable the proper functioning of the enterprise (e.g. agricultural or forestry).

Rural workers: Those who are employed in rural businesses who need to be in immediate vicinity of their place of work to enable the proper functioning of the enterprise (e.g. agricultural or forestry).


Scheduled Ancient Monument: A list of ancient monuments held by English Heritage, whose preservation is given priority over other land-uses. (See Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979).

Secondary Retail Frontage: contains a greater diversity of uses and may be found outside of the town centre.

Settlement Hierarchy: Settlements are categorised in a hierarchy based on their characteristics and function e.g. level of facilities, accessibility and community networks.

Self-build: see custom build

Self-contained: Accommodation that has all the normal domestic facilities of a home including bedrooms, lounge room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and laundry within one building.

Sequential Approach: A planning principle that seeks to identify, allocate or develop certain types or locations of land before others. For example, brownfield sites before greenfield sites, or town centre retail sites before out-of-centre sites. In terms of employment a sequential approach would favour an employment use over mixed use and mixed use over non-employment uses.

Settlement Coalescence: The development of Greenfield land between two urban areas which results in those two areas becoming ‘joined’ to form one large urban area.

Significant effects indicators: An indicator that measures the significant effects of the plan. These effects could be social, economic or environmental and the criteria by which they are judged ‘significant’ is set out in the SA/SEA.

Smaller Sites: These are site allocations which are below 200 homes and therefore not classified as Strategic Site Allocations.

Smart Growth: Redevelopment that would result in an intensification of use in the same area that would not adversely impact surrounding areas.

Soundness: A Development Plan Document is considered sound if it is based upon evidence and has been prepared in accordance with all the necessary legal and procedural requirements including the measures set out in the authority's Statement of Community Involvement.

South Downs National Park: The South Downs National Park is England's newest National Park, having become fully operational on 1 April 2011. The park, covering an area of 1,627 square kilometres (628 sq mi) in southern England, stretches for 140 kilometres (87 mi) from Winchester in the west to Eastbourne in the east through the counties of Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex.

Spatial Planning: Spatial planning goes beyond traditional land use planning to bring together and integrate policies and programmes for the development and use of land. Spatial planning influences the nature of places and how they function. It includes policies which can impact on land use - for example, influencing the demands on or needs for development that are not capable of being delivered solely or mainly through the granting of planning permission and may be delivered through other means.

Spatial Strategy / Visions: A broad overview of how spatial planning objectives can be achieved within the development plan.

Specialist Care Housing: Housing as an alternative provision to a care home for persons from a range of age groups including for the frail elderly and requiring varying levels of direct medical or other personal care by staff who are often site based.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI): Sets out the standards which the plan making authority intend to achieve in relation to involving the community in the preparation, alteration and continuing review of all Local Development Documents (LDD) and dealing with planning applications. It also sets out how the local planning authority intends to achieve those standards. A consultation statement showing how the local planning authority has complied with its Statement of Community Involvement will be required for all Local Development Documents.

Statutory Organisations: Statutory organisations provide public services required by the law. Uniformed statutory services can be: police, fire brigade, ambulance and army. They are usually financed by government, but sometimes receive help from charities like The Royal British Legion.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): A Strategic Environmental Statement is a European legal obligation which requires that an environmental assessment is carried out for certain plans and programmes, including land use plans, that are likely to have significant impacts upon the environment.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA): An assessment required by national policy to identify land for housing and assess the deliverability and developability of sites. The SHLAA is a key component of the evidence base used to support the delivery of sufficient land for housing to meet the community’s need for more homes. This assessment now considers employment land, and is referred to as a Strategic Housing and Employment Availability Assessment (SHELAA).

Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Establishes the long-term aims for housing supply and demand in West Sussex. It provides local authorities with a better understanding of their housing markets and a robust evidence base for new planning and housing policies.

Strategic Site Allocation: A location for development of around 200 homes or more. Site specific details are specified within policies in the Horsham District Planning Framework.

Strategic Road Network (SRN): A road network designated in the West Sussex Structure Plan, comprising of the M23 motorway, the trunk roads, and some other class A roads of more than local importance. These are the main routes which are best able to cater for trips starting or ending outside West Sussex.

Student Accommodation: This is accommodation provided on a campus to meet the needs of a resident student population.

Submission Stage: The final stage in preparation of Development Plan Documents (DPD).The documents are sent to the Secretary of State and an independent Examination will be held. Following the successful completion of this process, the DPD may be adopted by the Council.

Sui-Generis: Term given to specific uses of land or buildings, not falling into any of the use classes identified by the Use Classes Order, for example theatres, launderettes, car showrooms and filling stations.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD): Supplementary Planning Documents may cover a range of issues, both topic and site specific, which may expand policy or provide further detail to policies contained in a Development Plan Document, where they can help applicants make successful applications or aid infrastructure delivery.

Sustainable Community Strategy – ‘All Our Futures’: Produced by the Horsham Community Partnership (see Local Strategic Partnership), the Sustainable Community Strategy outlines the needs and priorities of the community, which also shapes the activities of the organisations within the partnerships to fulfil those needs and priorities.

Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is commonly defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Principles of sustainable development include social progress that recognises the needs of everyone, effective protection of the environment, prudent use of natural resources and high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.

Sustainability: Defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development as ‘development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)/ Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): It is a legal requirement that certain documents (e.g. Local Development Documents) are assessed to ensure that they maximise their contribution to Sustainable Development. This is achieved by carrying out a process usually referred to as a Sustainability Appraisal. The process measures the effect a document will have on a range of social, environmental and economic issues, and suggests measures that would help improve the sustainability of a plan.


Total Access Demand (TAD): A method devised by the County and District Councils in West Sussex to calculate planning obligation contributions for sustainable transport. TAD comprises two interrelated elements: a Sustainable Access contribution in respect of each occupant or employee without a parking space and an infrastructure contribution per occupant or employee with a parking space. The differential between the two elements is designed to encourage the development of accessible sites and to discourage the over provision of car parking spaces so as to promote sustainable transport options. The TAD methodology and contribution levels are set out in the Council’s Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document.

Town Centre: Includes a range of different sized centres, including market and country towns, traditional suburban centres, and quite often, the principal centre(s) in a local authority's area.

Town Centre Management: A forum of traders, businesses and local authorities to agree and undertake co-ordinated overseeing of the retail environment and funding improvements.

Transport node: An interchange point where passengers may transfer from one type of transport to another, for example at a railway station or a park and ride.

Tree Preservation Order (TPO): A mechanism for securing the preservation of single or groups of trees of acknowledged amenity value which maybe under threat.


Unstable land: Land that may be unstable (due to a range of factors) for which planning proposals should give due consideration.

Urban design: The art of making places. It involves the design of buildings, groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes, in villages, towns and cities, and the establishment of frameworks and processes, which facilitate successful development.

Urbanising: Making a location more urban in character, for example through a combination of increased density of development, traffic flow and economic activity.

Urban extension: Involves the spreading of a city or densely populated area, and can contribute to creating more sustainable patterns of development when located in the right place, with well-planned infrastructure including access to a range of facilities, and when developed at appropriate densities.

Urban regeneration: Making an urban area develop or grow strong again through means such as job creation and environmental renewal.

Use Class Order: The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (As amended in 1995, 2005 and 2013) puts uses of land and buildings into various categories. Planning Permission is not needed for changes of use within the same use class.


Village Design Statement: A document which describes the visual character of a village as seen through the eyes of its inhabitants. Residents of an interested village volunteer to undertake a study of their village and its environment and through consultation and discussion determine what they feel this to be.

Vitality and Viability: In terms of retailing, vitality is the capacity of a centre to grow or to develop its level of commercial activity. Viability is the capacity of a centre to achieve the commercial success necessary to sustain the existence of the centre.


Ward: A small sub-area of a local authority district.

Waste Planning Authority (WPA): The local authority responsible for ensuring that an adequate planning framework exists. They are required to prepare Local Development Document(s), or Development Plans, relating to waste and are responsible for determining planning applications for waste management facilities.

Waterbody: A distinct and significant volume of fresh water.

Waste Collection Authority (WCA): The local authority that has a duty to collect household waste. They also have a duty to collect commercial waste if requested to do so and may also collect industrial waste. (The WCA may differ from the Waste Disposal Authority). HDC is the WCA in this district.

Waste Disposal Authority (WDA): The local authority responsible for managing the waste collected by the collection authorities and the provision of Household Waste Recovery Centres. (The WDA may differ from the Waste Collection Authority). West Sussex is the WDA for this district.

Waste Hierarchy: A framework for securing a sustainable approach to waste management. Wherever possible, the level of waste produced should be reduced. Where this is not possible, waste should be reused; and after this, the value recovered by recycling or composting; or waste to energy; and finally landfill disposal.

Waste minimisation / reduction: The most desirable way of managing waste, by avoiding the production of waste in the first place.

Waste Planning Authority (WPA): The local authority responsible for ensuring that an adequate planning framework exists. They are required to prepare Local Development Document(s), or Development Plans, relating to waste and are responsible for determining planning applications for waste management facilities.

Waste transfer station: A site to which waste is delivered for sorting or baling prior to transfer to another place for recycling, treatment or disposal.

Water Course: A channel through which a moving body of water will flow, above or below ground. They include rivers and streams as well as drainage ditches.

Water Framework Directive: European legislation designed to improve and integrate the way water bodies are managed throughout Europe. Member states must aim to reach good chemical and ecological status in inland and coastal waters by 2015.

West Sussex Local Transport Plan (LTP): A ten year plan setting out key strategic transport objectives and outlining broad strategies that will be pursued to meet the objectives. The LTP must tie-in with the broader strategic planning framework set out in local and national policies.

West Sussex Local Transport Plan (LTP): A ten year plan setting out key strategic transport objectives and outlining broad strategies that will be pursued to meet the objectives. The LTP must tie-in with the broader strategic planning framework set out in local and national policies.

Wind farm: Often a group of wind turbines located in areas exposed to wind. A wind farm may vary in terms of the number and size of turbines producing environmentally friendly energy and which can be dismantled often leaving very little trace.

Windfall site: A site not specifically allocated for development in the Local Development Framework which unexpectedly becomes available for development during the lifetime of a plan.

World Heritage Site: A cultural or natural site of outstanding universal value designated ("inscribed") by the "International Council on Monuments and Sites" (ICOMOS), for example Durham Cathedral and Hadrian's Wall.

Written representations: A procedure by which representations on Development Plans and Development Plan Documents can be dealt with without the need for a full public inquiry or independent examination.

Written Statement: A documentary statement supplementing and explaining policy, forming part of a development plan.