Lower Beeding neighbourhood planning

Lower Beeding Parish have produced a neighbourhood plan which have been subject to successful Examination but cannot proceed to Referendum because of the legal requirements in relation to Water Neutrality and the Habitat Regulations.

To unlock the Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan, further work has been commissioned to address the issue of water neutrality.  This work and the modifications made to the Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan is subject to a focussed consultation.  The consultation runs between 2 September 2024 to the 14 October 2024 for 6 weeks.  For further details of this consultation and how you can get involved please view the Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan (2031) - Focussed Consultation on Water Neutrality webpage.


Examiner's Report (1 July 2021)

Examiner's Clarification Note (26 April 2021)

Lower Beeding Parish Council  Response (26 May 2021)

Lower Beeding Parish Council  Response - Appendix 1 (26 May 2021)

Representations to the Regulation 16 consultation can be found below:

Ref 1 Natural England (redacted)

Ref 2 Sport England (redacted)

Ref 3 Individual (redacted)

Ref 4 Devine Homes (Part I) (redacted)

Ref 4 Devine Homes (Part II) (redacted)

Ref 5 HDC (redacted)

Ref 6 Southern Water (redacted)

Ref 7 Historic England ( redacted)

Ref 8 Surrey CC (Waste and Minerals) (redacted)

Ref 9 Individual (redacted)

Ref 10 Environment Agency (redacted)

Ref 11 Individual (redacted)

Ref 12 Individual (redacted)

Ref 13 Individual (redacted)

Ref 14 Individual (redacted)

Ref 15 Boakes Land Projects (redacted)

Ref 16 Millwood Designer Homes (Part I)

Reg 16 Millwood Designer Homes (Part II)

Ref 17 WSCC (redacted)

Ref 18 Individual (redacted)

Ref 19 WSP Planning (redacted)

Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan (Reg 16)

Lower Beeding Parish Council has been preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. The submission draft Lower Beeding Neighbourhood plan is out to consultation in line with the Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The consultation is for 8 weeks from 5pm 17 December to midnight 11 February 2021. Please click on the link below for further details on how you can comment:


Area approval

The Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan Area was approved on 23 December 2015.

Approval documents


Under Regulation 5 and 6, the Lower Beeding area application was put out for consultation from November 17 to December 22 2015.

Application documents