Air quality
In this section
How we monitor air quality
Air quality is constantly measured in Horsham district. We have three air quality monitoring stations, in Horsham, Storrington and Cowfold. These stations produce real-time data of air pollution levels and show whether pollution is exceeding the Government’s annual limit.
We also have a network of 49 passive diffusion tube samplers across a variety of locations in the district.
We currently monitor levels of three major pollutants:
- Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), monitored at all sites
- Coarse Particulates (PM10), monitored at Horsham and Storrington monitoring stations
- Fine Particulates (PM2.5), monitored at Storrington monitoring station
Air Quality Management Areas
An Air Quality Management Area is a geographical area surrounding a pollution hot spot. Over 230 have been declared across the UK, varying in size from single properties to entire boroughs. Every AQMA has its own Action Plan.
There are two AQMAs in Horsham District:
- Storrington Air Quality Management Area, declared in 2010
- Cowfold Air Quality Management Area, declared in 2011
View maps of the Air Quality Management Areas
Air Quality in Horsham
Under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 we have a legal duty to review and assess current and future air quality against air quality objectives established in the National Air Quality Strategy. To view the latest air quality reports, visit our Reports and Assessments page.
For more information about air quality across Sussex, visit the Sussex Air website or the UK Air website.
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Air Alert is a free messaging service that alerts its subscribers when poor air quality is forecast. You can sign up online and choose to receive alerts by text message, voicemail and/or email.