Conservation areas

Conservation areas and planning permission

If your property is within a conservation area, planning permission may be required if you wish to make certain alterations, including:

  • Clad a building
  • Alter the roof
  • Add an extension
  • Put up a satellite dish
  • Change a fence, wall or gate facing a highway
  • Fell or carry out works to any tree with a trunk diameter in excess of 75mm at 1.5metres above ground level
  • Construct an outbuilding
  • Alter windows and external doors and add solar panels.

Conservation area designation should not stop development, but it does means that development within the area should be controlled and managed and should have either a preserving or enhancing effect on the character of the area. Therefore there is an emphasis on high quality design and materials within conservation areas, as well as plot size, heights of buildings and layout.

To find out whether permission is needed and whether it would be granted, write to the Development Management Team at the Council or email