Warnham Local Nature Reserve

2025 Events at Warnham Local Nature Reserve

From expert-led talks and guided tours to children's activities and trails, there are events to suit all ages and interests at Warnham Local Nature Reserve. These events are run in conjunction with the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve

Plans are still being finalised, so please check back for more details shortly.

Bird Box Building

Wednesday 19 February
10.30am -12.30am
2.00pm -3.30pm  

Join us this half term, to build and decorate your own bird box for the garden.

All tools, materials and instructions will be provided.
Please note all children must be accompanied throughout this activity.

Event Fee
£10.00 per child

To book, please call the Visitor Centre on 01403 756238.
Booking is essential as places are limited.

Bird Boxes

Quiz Night

Wednesday 26 February
From 7.30pm 

It's time to swat up on all your favourite general knowledge subjects for the annual quiz, which this year the Friends of Warnham local Nature Reserve are hosting at the Holbrook Club, Horsham.

There's free parking on-site and a cash bar throughout the evening.
Teams of up to six people.

Event Fee
Friends Members - Free
Non Members - £2.00 per person (payable on entry)

To register your team, please email fowlnr@gmail.com with your team and participants names.

Papercraft Workshop

Tuesday 18 March
10.30am - 1.00pm

Indulge your creativity ad make some beautiful crepe daffodils ready for spring. This session will be led by local artist Helen Mole, and the price includes all materials for the session and kit to take home and refreshments throughout the day.

Event Fee
£35.00 per person

To book, please call the Visitor Centre on 01403 756238.
Booking is essential as places are limited.

Wellbeing Sound Journey

Tuesday 10 April
7.00pm -8.00pm

Discover a new way to look after your wellbeing and experience the calming sounds of a Sound Bath within the natural environment.

Therapeutic sound can have a wide range of health benefits and also help to boost the immune system by making you feel more grounded, balanced and connected with yourself.

Taking place in the Discovery Hub, no previous experience is necessary as all will be explained before you settle into a session where you can truly unwind.

Event Fee
£19.00 plus booking fee per person

Wellbeing Sound Journey

Thursday 8 May
7.00pm -8.00pm

Discover a new way to look after your wellbeing and experience the calming sounds of a Sound Bath within the natural environment.

Therapeutic sound can have a wide range of health benefits and also help to boost the immune system by making you feel more grounded, balanced and connected with yourself.

Taking place in the Discovery Hub, no previous experience is necessary as all will be explained before you settle into a session where you can truly unwind.

Event Fee
£19.00 plus booking fee per person

Wellbeing Sound Journey

Thursday 5 June
7.00pm -8.00pm

Discover a new way to look after your wellbeing and experience the calming sounds of a Sound Bath within the natural environment.

Therapeutic sound can have a wide range of health benefits and also help to boost the immune system by making you feel more grounded, balanced and connected with yourself.

Taking place in the Discovery Hub, no previous experience is necessary as all will be explained before you settle into a session where you can truly unwind.

Event Fee
£19.00 plus booking fee per person

Forthcoming Events
9 April - Early Season Pond Dipping 
18 -21 April - Easter Trail 
4 May - Dawn Chorus Full details of these events will be available soon.