Local Plan review: Issues and Options

July 2024 Local Plan Review update: The Regulation 19 period of representation closed at 5pm Friday 1 March 2024.  Any representations received after this time cannot be accepted.  All comments received during the period of representation (9am Friday 19 January - 5pm Friday 1 March 2024) are being reviewed and will be published online, subject to them meeting the standards set out within the Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance for Making Representations.  

The next stage will be the formal submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State. This had been due to take place in June 2024.  However, due to the Prime Minister announcing a General Election to be held on 4 July 2024, submission has been delayed slightly and will now take place in the second half of July 2024.

As one of the first stages of the Local Plan Review evidence gathering process, we published the Issues and Options for Employment, Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development document for consultation from April 6 to May 26 2018.

The document contains an assessment of the Horsham District's economic position, and list of sites with potential for commercial or employment use.

The final document is available to view below, along with a summary of representations made at Consultation stage.

Issues and Options 2018