Request copies of planning documents

We hold a variety of Planning documents. Depending on the type of document you're looking for and when it was produced, you may be able to download it directly or you may need to contact us to request it.

How to request copies of documents

To request a document, please email within your request please include the full property address, planning reference if known or S106 date. We will then contact you for payment: we do not accept cheques. The document will then be emailed to you. Please note the cost is calculated per document.

Requests will be dealt with within five working days, however if we need more time to prepare the document we will advise you of this on receipt of your request.


The price for requesting a copy of a document will depend on the type of document. Prices are listed in the table below by document type.

Type of document Cost (inc VAT)
Planning Decision Notice from 1948 - 1989 £20
Listed Building Approval Notice £20
Enforcement Notice £20
Article 4 Direction £20
S106 or S52 Agreement £20
Discontinuance Notice £20

Plans, drawings and other material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Development from 2002 onwards

From 2002 planning applications were recorded directly into the Council's electronic database. To find planning history from 2002 onwards you will need to use the planning application search option on our Planning Public Access website.

If a decision is not available please email and we will place this online.

Development between 1990 and 2001

Records for this period can be published online upon request. Please email to request that the records are released.

Development between 1948 and 1989

These records are presently not held in a digital format. Please email to request that the records are released. Please note this is a chargeable service  details below.

Development pre-1948

The requirement to obtain planning permission was established on 1 July 1948. As such there are no planning records before this date. Everything built before this date is treated as an existing/original building for the purposes of planning.