Planning Policy evidence base
There are a number of background documents which accompany the Local Plan and the Site Specific Allocations of Land Development Plan Document. This evidence base should also be used to inform and support Neighbourhood Planning.
These documents support the existing Local Plan, the Horsham District Planning Framework. To view the evidence base that supports the Local Plan 2023 - 40, please visit the Local Plan Review evidence base page.
- Affordable-Housing-Needs-Update-October-2014.pdf (PDF File, 4.6 MB)
- Assessing-Housing-Need-summary-paper.pdf (PDF File, 242.4 KB)
- Crawley-and-Horsham-Market-Housing-Mix-Report-November-2016.pdf (PDF File, 1.8 MB)
- Crawley-Horsham-Starter-Homes-Report-November-2016.pdf (PDF File, 2.0 MB)
- Housing-Need-in-Horsham-District-March-2015.pdf (PDF File, 1.4 MB)
- Strategic-Housing-Market-Assessment-May-2009.pdf (PDF File, 10.3 MB)
- Strategic-Housing-Market-Assessment-October-2012.pdf (PDF File, 2.5 MB)
- Urban-Housing-Potential-Study-2004-2018.pdf (PDF File, 5.9 MB)
Infrastructure, Transport and Communities
- Horsham-District-Transport-Study-Technical-Note-April-2015.pdf (PDF File, 1.5 MB)
- Transport-and-Development-Study-Appendices-April-2015.pdf (PDF File, 6.4 MB)
- Horsham-District-Transport-Addendum-April-2014.pdf (PDF File, 1.9 MB)
- Sport-Open-Space-Recreation-Assessment-February-2014.pdf (PDF File, 6.2 MB)
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016 (PDF File, 1.6 MB)
Economic development
- Crickmay-Employment-Floorspace-Review-Jun-2016.pdf (PDF File, 1.2 MB)
- Economic-Growth-Assessment-2014.pdf (PDF File, 5.6 MB)
- Economic-Growth-Assessment-Appendices-2014.pdf (PDF File, 11.6 MB)
- Economic-Growth-Assessment-Supplementary-Report.pdf (PDF File, 547.8 KB)
- Employment-Land-Review-Part-2-October-2010.pdf (PDF File, 8.5 MB)
- Employment-Land-Review-Part-1-September-2009.pdf (PDF File, 4.3 MB)
- Horsham-Town-Retail-and-Leisure-Study-2017.pdf (PDF File, 7.3 MB)
- Hotel-and-Visitor-Accommodation-Study-July-2016.pdf (PDF File, 5.0 MB)
- Hotel-and-Visitor-Accommodation-Study-Technical-Appendices-July-2016.pdf (PDF File, 3.2 MB)
- Market-Appraisal-on-the-Current-and-Potential-Future-Demand-for-Business-Space.pdf (PDF File, 772.4 KB)
- Retail-Needs-Study.pdf (PDF File, 3.0 MB)
Conserving the natural and built environment
- Climate-Change-Strategy-2009.pdf (PDF File, 2.7 MB)
- Gatwick-Sub-Region-Water-Cycle-Study-2011.pdf (PDF File, 2.4 MB)
- Green-Infrastructure-Study.pdf (PDF File, 787.3 KB)
- Habitat-Regulation-Assessment-2014.pdf (PDF File, 1.4 MB)
- Landscape-Character-Assessment-2003.pdf (PDF File, 3.4 MB)
- SDNP-Partnership-Management-Plan-2014-19.pdf (PDF File, 12.9 MB)
- Settlement-Sustainability-Review2-014.pdf (PDF File, 91.0 KB)
- Sussex-Air-Quality-Guidance-2019.pdf (PDF File, 799.7 KB)
- West Sussex Sustainable Energy Study 2010 (PDF File, 12.3 MB)
Landscape Capacity Assessments
Landscape Character Assessment
Strategic Flood Risk Assessments
High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan
Settlement Sustainability Report
- Horsham-Settlements-Final-Report-Sept-2005.pdf (PDF File, 2.5 MB)
- Foreword_Settlement_Sustainability.doc (MS Word Document, 20.5 KB)
- Summary_Settlement_Sustainability.doc (MS Word Document, 45.5 KB)
- Appendix-2-2001-Census-data.xls (MS Excel Document, 206.0 KB)
- Appendix-4-Summary-of-settlement-travel-to-work-data.xls (MS Excel Document, 80.5 KB)
- Figure-4.1.pdf (PDF File, 915.7 KB)
- Figure-4.2.pdf (PDF File, 906.8 KB)
- Figure-4.3.pdf (PDF File, 909.0 KB)
- Figure-4.4.pdf (PDF File, 933.2 KB)
- Figure-4.5.pdf (PDF File, 927.1 KB)