
Horsham District Council Publication Scheme

Revised 2014 and 2016

Horsham District Council’s Guide to Information is the information that we routinely publish in order to fulfill our obligations set out at section 19 Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Council has adopted the Information Commissioner’s model publication scheme and follows the definition document for principal Local Authorities.

Who we are and what we do

The Council offices are based at Parkside, Horsham. If you have access to the internet you will be able to use and find out about most of the Council’s services on the Horsham District Council website.

Council Constitution

The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.

Read a summary or the full Constitution online

Council democratic structure

The role of the Council is to:

  • Determine policy
  • Adopt specific policies e.g. Corporate Plan, Community Strategy, Local Development Framework
  • Approve a budget and borrowing
  • Appoint the Leader
  • Agree allowances for Councillors

The Leader will appoint a Cabinet which consists of Councillors from the majority political party. Each Cabinet Member has responsibility for a particular area of the Council’s activity.

Full details on the Council structure is available on the Council Structure webpage

Management structure

The Council’s management structure can be found in Part 7 of the Constitution.

Location and opening times of council properties

Office Hours

Please visit our Contact us page for the latest information on office opening times.

The Council's normal offices hours are: 8.45am to 5.20pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to 4.20pm Fridays

The postal address is: Parkside Chart Way Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL

The main switchboard number is (01403) 215100 and you may email

Currently elected councillor’s information and contact details

The Council comprises 48 councillors serving 22 electoral wards.

Details of all current councillors, the wards they represent and their contact details are available on our website.

Councillor contact details

Contact details for all customer facing departments

Horsham District Council is responsible for:

  • Allotments (some)
  • Building Regulations
  • Burial Grounds (some)
  • Council Tax Collection
  • Country Parks
  • Elections
  • Environmental Health
  • Health and Safety
  • Housing advice and benefits
  • Leisure and Recreation
  • Local Licensing
  • Local Planning
  • Museums
  • Off-Street Car Parks
  • Waste Collection and household recycling

For contact details of individual departments please visit our Contact us page.

Most recent election results

Results of the latest parliamentary, European parliament, county council, district council, parish and police commissioner elections are available on our website.

View election results

Relationships with other authorities

West Sussex County Council

West Sussex County Council is responsible for:

  • Appointing members to Sussex Police Authority
  • Archives
  • Countryside Services
  • Education
  • Fire Brigade
  • Highways and Transport
  • Libraries
  • Probation
  • Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages
  • Social Services
  • Strategic Planning
  • Trading Standards
  • Waste Disposal

Contact: (01243) 777100 or visit the West Sussex County Council website.

Parish and Neighbourhood Councils

Your Parish or Neighbourhood Council is responsible for:

  • Allotments (some)
  • Burial Grounds (some)
  • Bus Shelters
  • Footpaths
  • Hedges
  • Maintenance of Some Local Buildings (ie village halls)
  • Sports Facilities and Other Open Spaces
  • Street Lighting

Parish Councils also advise the district and county councils and other public bodies on matters of local concern.

Contact a parish council

The role of the Monitoring Officer

The principal role of the Monitoring Officer is to ensure the lawfulness of Council decision making, procedures and processes.

The Monitoring Officer is Sharon Evans, Head of Legal & Democratic Services.

Horsham District Council works with other authorities such as West Sussex County Council and other neighbouring local councils to deliver services:

CenSus (Central Sussex Partnership)

Health & Wellbeing

South Downs National Park

Sussex Building Control

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information about projected an actual income and expenditure, contracts and financial audit.


  • Financial Statements, budgets & variance reports
  • Capital programme
  • Spending reviews
  • Payments to suppliers
  • Financial audit reports

The above information is available to view on the Finance and Performance Sub-Committee webpage.

View Member’s allowance scheme and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year

Staff allowances and expenses

Please contact the council

Pay & grading structure

Please contact the council

Election expenses

Elections expenses are returns or declarations and accompanying documents relating to election expenses sent to the council.

This information is available to view at the Council offices. Please contact the elections officer on 01403 215126 or email

Procurement procedures

Procurement at Horsham District Council is managed as a shared service with Mid Sussex District Council and Crawley Borough Council. You can view more information on how we procure goods and services by visiting the shared area of Crawley Borough Council website.

Procurement and contracts

District auditor’s report

Internal financial regulations and Protocol for partnership arrangements

These are included in the Council Constitution

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Council Plan 2023-2027

Performance indicators

Auditor’s reports on best value performance plan and performance indicators & Local area agreements

Equality Impact assessments

Contact the Council

How we make decisions

Timetable of council meetings

Agendas, reports, background papers and minutes of council committees

Major policy proposals and decisions are made at Cabinet and Council meetings. View agendas, reports and minutes.

Public consultations

Our policies and procedures

Policies and procedures for conducting council business Please see the Council’s Constitution

Policies and procedures for delivering our services

Procurement procedures

Procurement at Horsham District Council is managed as a shared service with Mid Sussex District Council and Crawley Borough Council. You can view more information on how we procure goods and services by visiting the shared area of Crawley Borough Council website.

Policy and procedures about recruitment and employment of staff

Information about working for Horsham District Council is published on our website.

Working for the Council

The Council’s Equality, Diversity & Human Rights Policy is available on the Council’s website.

Our employment commitments

Customer service

The Council’s customer service charter tells you how you should expect to be treated if you get in touch with us.

Details of how to make comments, compliments suggestions and complaints to the council are on the website.

Complaints and compliments

Records Management and personal data policies

Information about records management, personal data and access to information held by the council is available on our website.

Data protection and Freedom of Information

Charging regimes

Some of the Council’s service attract charges such as car parks, planning, local land charges, pest control etc.

Information about these charges can be found on the Council’s website under information relating to the relevant service

Lists and Registers

Public registers and registers held as public records.

The Electoral Register

Using information received from the public, registration officers keep two registers - the electoral register and the open register (also known as the edited register).

The electoral register lists the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote in public elections.

The register is used for electoral purposes - such as making sure only eligible people can vote - and for other limited purposes specified in law. The personal data in the register must always be processed in line with data-protection legislation.

The electoral register is available for inspection by appointment at the council offices.

The open register is an extract of the electoral register, but is not used for elections. It can be bought by any person, company or organisation. For example, it is used by businesses and charities to confirm name and address details.

The personal data in the register must always be processed in line with data protection legislation.

The electoral and open registers

Register of councillor’s interests

Each councillor has a register of interest published on the profile of the councillor.

View councillor profiles

Register of gifts & hospitality

Please refer to part 5B of the Council's Constitution

Service area registers

Regulatory and licensing responsibilities


Services for local businesses

Horsham District Council is committed to supporting local businesses. We recognise that our businesses contribute hugely to the prosperity of our District.

The Business Development service at Horsham District Council organises events to promote and support local businesses (eg Horsham Microbiz and the Horsham District Food and Drink Festival) and works in partnership with a wide variety of organisations to ensure that Horsham businesses have all the appropriate specialist help they need to grow and prosper.

Services for Members of the Public

Horsham District Council is responsible for:

  • Allotments (some)
  • Building Regulations
  • Burial Grounds (some)
  • Council Tax Collection
  • Country Parks
  • Elections
  • Environmental Health
  • Health and Safety
  • Housing advice and benefits
  • Leisure and Recreation
  • Local Licensing
  • Local Planning
  • Museums
  • Off-Street Car Parks
  • Waste Collection and household recycling

Services for which the council is entitled to recover a fee

Please refer to the relevant service pages on the Council’s website.

Information for visitors to the area, leisure information, events, museums and archive collections

The Council publishes a Guide to the Horsham District

Further information for visitors and tourist is available on the Discover Horsham District website.

Leaflets, booklets and guidance

The council publishes a variety of guidance and leaflets. These can be found on our website under the relevant service area.

Media releases

Horsham District Council answers over 1,000 incoming media enquiries a year and also proactively issues almost 400 news releases in the same timeframe. Press releases are available online in our News section.