Planning Policy

Planning Policies are documents that help to decide how, where and when development in Horsham District takes place. These documents are used to help make decisions on planning applications and to plan the future needs of the district by assessing what changes are likely to happen and where.

The key Planning Policy document that a council must prepare is its Local Plan. Horsham District Council has recently prepared a new Local Plan to replace the current Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF). This will be called the 'Horsham District Local Plan 2023-2040'. It is currently at an advanced stage of preparation. The Regulation 19 period of representation closed at 5pm Friday 1 March 2024. Any comments received after this time cannot be accepted.

The next stage will be the formal submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State. This had been due to take place in June 2024. However, due to the Prime Minister announcing a General Election to be held on 4 July 2024, submission has been delayed slightly and will now take place in the second half of July 2024.

To find view and find out how to comment, visit our Local Plan Regulation 19 page.